Songs of Memory
New Edition Book and Flash Drive Release
June 2022
Trumpet the Karen kwae, pluck the Akha dheuham, strike the Iu Mien bo mang, beat the Lahu jegkho, blow the Lisu pali fulu, and sing Hmong kwv txhiaj songs of jubilation! After many years of intrepid fieldwork, astonishing new discoveries, mindful documentation, and creative book design, the updated edition of the Songs of Memory Book with Flash Drive has arrived!
Songs of Memory
Traditional Music of the Golden Triangle:
Karen, Hmong, Iu Mien, Lahu, Akha, and Lisu
Essays, Photographs, Recordings
by Victoria Vorreiter
Including rare documentation of newly found, seldom heard musical traditions in the Golden Triangle and detailed liner notes, this updated edition of Songs of Memory Book and Flash Drive offer readers and listeners an absorbing multi-sensory experience to explore the ancestral music, ceremonies, and culture of the mountain peoples of Southeast Asia—the Karen, Hmong, Iu Mien, Lahu, Akha, and Lisu. Vivid accounts of musicians, spirit intermediaries, ritual specialists, headmen, wise elders, craftsmen, and villagers are brought to life by over 800 color photographs and dynamic recordings of sacred and secular music (Resonance Press, May 2022. Book: 227 pages. Flash drive: 78 minutes.)
To preview the Songs of Memory Book:
To order the Songs of Memory Book and Flash Drive:
Super Moon Book Launch and Reception
Chiang Mai Arts and Cultural Center Courtyard
Three King Monument
6:30 – 9:30 pm
13 July 2022
Songs of Memory Book Spreads
14 April 2022
“Dear Victoria, I have been writing my letter for many days putting into words how I feel after your presentation (‘May the Circle be Unbroken: The Importance of Preserving and Sustaining Intangible Heritage,’ Chiang Mai, April 2022.) After stumbling upon your book with Airin, it was the start of our magical journey to move to Chiangmai. The book inspired us in so many ways – the stories, the photography, the journey. We thought the book was completed by a big crew with trucks of equipment because the execution was beautiful, capturing many emotions. After knowing that you have completed the book by hundreds of trips trekking both photographing and field recording alone I can’t put into words how moved I was.
Thank you Victoria, for your dedication, for your passion. I can feel it through your speech and your works. You have inspired us. I just don’t want the world to lose any of these stories, sounds, art and craft.”
Navarat and Airin Techaratanaprasert
“Songs of Memory is a rare jewel, a book to be cherished, and a stimulus for preserving the rich musical traditions and ceremonies of the Golden Triangle ethnic groups. Victoria Vorreiter is the best kind of explorer, someone who is curious, committed, and compassionate, a woman who sits around village fires with people who trust her enough to share their music, and by doing so, share their cultural treasures.
Dig into this book, admire Vorreiter’s hundreds of glorious photos, and become transported by the 78-minute compilation of celebratory songs, sacred chants, and instrumental music that are an essential part of the souls of these exceptional people. She has come to the scene with an open heart and sensitive eye to reveal these touching, often threatened, musical wonders to you. Victoria is special and I hope the universe recognizes that.”
Paul Spencer Socharczewski
Author of Searching for Ganesha
“Victoria Vorreiter has worked for many years chronicling the diverse ethnic minorities of SE Asia, photographing, documenting, and writing about their culture, and collecting their clothing and jewelry. This comes just in time as these people are on the verge of having their unique cultures absorbed by their far larger host countries.
Her newest initiative, the Songs of Memory book and recordings, continues this vision. Coming from a musical background, Victoria has approached the subject of preserving ethnographic culture from her unique viewpoint of cataloguing and making available indispensable recordings of the tribal music, the sounds of which will last far after the instruments cease to be played by those magical people who played them. Bravo for your fine and monumental dedication and enduring work!”
Richard K. Diran
Author of The Vanishing Tribes of Burma
“I am deeply impressed with Victoria Vorreiter’s ethnographic work, and Songs of Memory in particular, for four specific reasons. First is her fieldwork in the Golden Triangle, a remote area many researchers avoid because of its history of political unrest and attendant personal risks. Second is the depth and the precision of her documentation. Every instrument is described meticulously and shown in images. Third is the photography, which is first rate. And fourth is her fine recordings of secular songs, sacred chants, and instrumental music of the highland groups of the Golden Triangle, which can be heard in a flash drive that comes with the book.
An additional reason may be personal resonance: I began my career by recording folk music in Afghanistan half a century ago. I also worked as a photographer, but alas never reached the quality that I see in Vorreiter’s work. Her photography is not just technically immaculate, but most importantly, shows an intimacy with her subjects that can be achieved only by deep immersion in the community. I expect Songs of Memory to remain the most important source on its subject for many years to come.”
Dr. Peter ten Hoopen
Anthropologist, Author
Ikat Textiles of the Indonesian Archipelago
Ou Sa, Su Mwee, and Keu Choi, S’gaw Karen Villagers
Looking at Karen Chapter on the Klo Bronze Drum
Songs of Memory Book
Ban Mae Wa Luang, Tak Province, Thailand
February 202
Note from Victoria
As an independent documentarian who has been walking the jungle path to mountain enclaves in Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, and China for nearly two decades, I now express my appreciation to you for your interest in the Songs of Memory Archives. It would be a joy and honor to share my books, recordings, and films with you and your cultural organizations.
To order the Songs of Memory Book and Flash Drive:
Victoria Vorreiter
(66) 061 – 823 – 0977
Facebook: Victoria Vorreiter
Instagram: vvorreiter
The International Documentary Association (IDA) has accepted
The Music of the Golden Triangle project in its Fiscal Sponsorship Program
allowing it to receive non-profit status in the US.
IDA Letter of Endorsement
If the Songs of Memory archival work resonates with you,
please consider helping it continue.
Sponsorship Information
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